Monday, September 29, 2008

Thing 6 with a trading card

I decided to try the trading card mashup and was entertained by the process and the result. Since the template was already set up, it took me only a few minutes to acquaint myself with what the card should look like and how the process was done. Then a couple minutes contemplating a quick look at what I would look like on a trading card and there we go ...

I could see myself wasting many hours creating and playing around with mashups and their capabilities so I better move onto the next thing...

Thing 5 - A glimpse of a moment in my life from Flickr

I am very intrigued by the whole world of flickr. I love pictures and the beauty that can be found in each small glimpse of a bitty piece of the world. So here's a small piece of my world, or should I say a link to a small piece of my world. Check out the picture of the Criss Library at

And the explanation. Whenever I tell my friends I work at the library they automatically think I work at this one, the academic library on UNO campus. So I have to set them straight, "no, not THE library. the public library." But regardless of whether I work there or not, I still spend a large portion of my time sitting by this huge wall of glass picture windows, watching the students meander by, the leaves fall from the trees across the street, and the large amount of homework pile up around my laptop.

And I was excited to find a picture of the library (actually multiple ones) on flicker. It makes this network seem a lot more real to -- that there are real pictures on there by real people. Not just artistic and professional views of the world which are shown in vibrant colors and happy children in perfect poses. Here's my world. It's on flickr too.

Also as another side note. I loved how many tags one could attach to each picture. The vast number that each picture can be searched by really gets the searcher and the cataloger in me excited. :]

A blog is begun in Week 2

Not Just a Clerk Explained:
I was called out at the last staff day that I was NOT "just a clerk" but that each library employee was important and crucial in their own section of the library. So I decided that my blog will at least start out with a focus on that concept. Even if I am "just" a clerk in name, I definitely will not be so in all that I know and do around the library. So here's to Web 2.0 and all that I will interact with in my perusal and achievements as a library and information professional.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Week 1

I found this list of 7 ½ ways to be a life long learning to be very interesting and true. Without these mindsets, there is no way anyone would be able to grow and expand in their own personal lives. In my own life, I have especially learned the necessity of having a vision, or an end in mind, because without a vision, there is nothing to work towards, and therefore no arriving at the goal. And without any arriving, there is nothing to celebrate or feel accomplishment over. You will be continually stuck in the apprentice of yourself and never in a confident assessment and assurance of what you already know. Even if your end in mind is only a small little goal, it IS a goal to work towards and should be taken seriously. That being said, my goal for this web 2.0 learning session is to gain a greater confidence in the various areas presented and interacted with over the next couple weeks.